Product Description
Features: Includes Gooseneck Microphone, VocalTune and Classic Vocoder Effects, Patch Editing and Storage Software, Add Up to 5 Effects to Each Sound, Powerful UltraNova Sound Engine, 256 Factory Preset Sounds + 18 Note Poly, USB and MIDI Connectivity
Bundle Software: MiniNova Software EditorPatch LibrarianAbleton Live LiteNovation Bass Station SoftsynthLoopmasters Sample Pack (1GB)
Keyboard: 37-Note Keyboard with Velocity
Polyphony: Up to 18 Note Polyphony (Dynamic Voicing)
Multitimbral: No - Mono-Timbral
Per Patch: 3 x Oscillators 1 x Noise Generator 2 x Ring Modulators Waveforms Include: Square - Sine - Tri - Sawtooth - Pulse - 9 x Saw/Pulse Combinations20 x Digital Waveforms 36 x Wavetables
Filters: 2 Filters per Patch:Low Pass No Resonance 6 dB per OctaveLow Pass 12 dBLow Pass 18 dBLow Pass 24 dBBand Pass 6:6Band Pass 6:12Band Pass 12:6Band Pass 6:18Band Pass 18:6Band Pass 12:12High Pass No Resonance 6 dB per octaveHigh Pass 12 dBHigh Pass 18 d
Modulation: 20 Modulation Slots per Patch:6 x Envelope Generators3 x LFOsAftertouchVelocityKeyScaling/TrackMod WheelExpression Pedal
Destinations: Total of 66 Destinations:Oscillator Pitch - Pulse Width - Wavetable Index - Level and SyncFilter Cutoff - Resonance - Envelope SettingsEffects Parameters and Send LevelsRecursive Modulation (Modulating Modulation Sources Themselves)
Effects: 5 Effects Slots per Patch:Distortion - up to 2 InstancesCompressor - up to 2 InstancesChorus/Phase - up to 4 InstancesDelay - up to 2 InstancesReverb - up to 2 InstancesGatorEQ
Miscellaneous: VocalTune12-Band VocoderArpeggiator - 33 patternsRealtime Arp Rhythm Editing FunctionChord Function - Lock up to 10 Notes
Presets: Ships with 256 Factory Patches Stores up to 384 on Hardware
Controllers: Pitch wheel (LED lit)Modulation wheel (LED lit)4 x Smooth Edit/Performance Pot1 x Large Smooth Filter Pot1 x Six Position Parameter Selector Switch6 x Parameter Indicator LEDs8 x Three-Color - Backlit Animate/Arpeggiator/Favorite Patch-Select Button
Inputs: 1 x XLR mic 1 x 1/4-inch / 6.3 mm TRS
Outputs: 2 x 1/4-inch / 6.3 mm TRS
Headphone Output: 1 x 1/4-inch / 6.3 mm TRS Stereo
USB Port: 1 x USB Type-B
MIDI Connectors: 2 x 5-Pin DIN (In/Out)
Other Connectors: 1 x 1/4-inch / 6.3 mm Sustain Pedal Input Kensington Lock
Display: 16-Character Custom LCD
Power Supply: 9 V - Included
Dimensions: 22 x 9.8 x 2.9-inch / 56 x 25 x 7.5 cm
Weight: 5.6 lb / 2.5 kg